Read Box's article at
Before you start to upload, you need to do the following to optimize the connection
- Download/save this test image file to your computer. The test file will appear to contain "static" or "snow."
- Duplicate the image file, via copy/paste and make 14 duplicate files.
- Upload these files to any folder in your Box account to optimize for Box Accelerator.
- After uploading the test files, please test an upload that is greater than 100MB.
- This 100MB+ file should upload through the fastest route to Box from your area. Remember, it takes only a handful of uploads per week to keep the Box uploads optimally tuned for your whole office/location. These steps may be repeated at any time or for tuning alternate browsers. For example: Repeat steps if a week passes with no Box uploads from the same office/location.
These steps will put your Box account into "weighted random choice" mode, and should direct large uploads (>100MB) to the fast route 100% of the time. Note: Smaller files (<100MB) will occasionally upload through the alternate routes to ensure your fast route is maintained. This optimized route may change if you travel to different locations.