To schedule courses for a student, begin by making sure they are logged into the portal. Once logged in direct them to the Academics tab. (Figure 1) 1 Once under the Academics tab, have them click on "Academic Schedule Planner". (Figure 2) 2 Now that the individual is in the Academic Schedule Planner, make sure they have an approved plan.
If the plan is approved have them select that plan and the click "Pick Sections/Register Drop and Add". (Figure 3) 3 Once they select it the screen below should appear. (Figure 4) 4 Have them expand the semester they are trying to schedule. Once that happens they should see a blank planner (Figure 5) (Unless there are already some classes registered). 5 If a class registers successfully, then it will appear as highlighted in light green. (Figure 6) 6
6.1 6.2 With any further issues with the Academic Schedule planner, see Lisa Brooks.