Adding files to Box using FTP

Read Box's article at

Before you start to upload, you need to do the following to optimize the connection

  1. Download/save this test image file to your computer. The test file will appear to contain "static" or "snow."
  2. Duplicate the image file, via copy/paste and make 14 duplicate files.
  3. Upload these files to any folder in your Box account to optimize for Box Accelerator.
  4. After uploading the test files, please test an upload that is greater than 100MB.
  5. This 100MB+ file should upload through the fastest route to Box from your area. Remember, it takes only a handful of uploads per week to keep the Box uploads optimally tuned for your whole office/location. These steps may be repeated at any time or for tuning alternate browsers. For example: Repeat steps if a week passes with no Box uploads from the same office/location.

These steps will put your Box account into "weighted random choice" mode, and should direct large uploads (>100MB) to the fast route 100% of the time. Note: Smaller files (<100MB) will occasionally upload through the alternate routes to ensure your fast route is maintained. This optimized route may change if you travel to different locations.


Article ID: 30929
Fri 5/26/17 7:46 PM
Thu 11/16/17 11:02 AM