Install new TeraTerm

Windows 7 laptops may have the old version of TeraTerm, which is no longer supported as of January 26th 2021. Follow these steps to install the new version:

1. Verify the user has the old version of TeraTerm by checking the icon. (if you are doing a screenshare, make sure you are connected as an admin)

New IconOld Icon

2. Navigate to \computer\Program Files x86 - then delete the folder TTERMPRO

3. connect to the comp folder on fileserver by typing this link into file explorer \\fileserver\comp\ttermpro. Double click on teraterm-4.102 to install it

4. Follow the prompts to install the new version of TeraTerm. All the default options are fine.

5. Once you are finished installing the new program, open up the new TeraTerm folder, and the folder on Fileserver called "Mark's Tterm Files" so they are side by side

6. You need to drag all the files in that folder to replace the files in the TeraTerm folder. You will see a message that says "there are already files with the same name in the destination." Choose to copy them anyways and override the files. Sometimes, you will see an error message that says "you can't copy files over the network to this destination. If that happens, copy the files in Mark's folder to a new folder you made on the desktop. Then you can copy all those files into their final location.

7. Then, run the new tera term and pin the icon to the taskbar and desktop. You will need to update the hostname to "" from the default.



Article ID: 125004
Thu 1/21/21 3:13 PM