Mimecast held email notices

Mimecast will periodically send an email from postmaster@arbor.edu if an email has been "held." If an email is held, that means Mimecast thinks the email is probably unsafe or junk. If you are missing an email or if you see an email that you know is legitimate, you can click "release" to send the email through to your inbox. You can click "permit" to prevent the sender from going to your held messages in the future, and you can click "block" to prevent any future emails from that sender from coming through.  You cannot block certain trusted email addressed and domains (like other people at SAU or certain trusted partners) to prevent you from accidentally blocking needed communication. You can review your list of trusted and blocked senders by clicking the link that says "personal portal" and logging in. An example of what this email looks like is below!


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Article ID: 152895
Fri 7/14/23 9:30 AM
Fri 7/14/23 9:30 AM