General Blackboard Tips

General Use

The following tips will help you prepare for working in and using Blackboard.

  • Do NOT use Internet Explorer as your browser.
  • Use Firefox as your browser. Firefox is the only browser fully supported with the highest level of testing on all operating systems by Blackboard. To get the latest version of Firefox, go to
  • Keep Firefox, Java, and Flash up to date. Updating at least once a month is good practice. Blackboard as well as Firefox, Java, and Flash are constantly making improvements.

File Formats

  • Students are required to submit their files to their instructors or classmates in a Microsoft Office format (i.e., .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx). This ensures that others will be able to open and view the file.
  • You may choose to use iWork Suite or Google Docs. However, the files need to be exported in Microsoft Office format before submitting.

File Names

In order to avoid errors when uploading or downloading files from Blackboard, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use only letters, numbers, and underscores (_) in file names.
  • Don’t use spaces, the number sign (#), periods (.), commas (,) or other special characters in file names. Blackboard treats the number sign (#) and other characters as pieces of code, which can cause errors in file transfers.

Test Taking

  • Use Firefox – it is the only browser fully supported with the highest level of testing on all operating systems by Blackboard. To get the latest version of Firefox, go to
  • If possible, take the test when Help Desk is open so you can call for tech support if needed.
  • If you get locked out of your test or have missed the test deadline, contact your instructor. The Help Desk will not reset a test for you.
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Article ID: 30956
Sun 5/28/17 6:59 PM