I forgot my SAU ID Number. Can you give it to me?

Students or Employees may present any valid photo ID at any SAU campus or off-site location and they will provided the SAU ID at that time.  On main campus please refer to the Human Resource office for employees and the Office of Registration and Records for Students.


SAU ID number is a six (6) digit number. We CANNOT give out this number over the phone or via email due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and SAU IT Security measures.   

If you have forgotten your 6 digit SAU ID Number, you must complete and sign this PDF file and return it to the following:

  • By Mail: 106 East Main St., Spring Arbor, MI 49283, Attn: Registration and Records Office
  • By Email: registration.records@arbor.edu
  • By Fax: 517 750 6534

Additionally, your ID can be found by looking on a statement from the Business Office or on your SAU ID Card.



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Sat 6/3/17 10:27 PM
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