Popular Services
Report an issue with a Brightspace Course using the form on this page.
If you are unable to log into your SAU Network account, request help here.
Ethernet ports in residence rooms can be turned on to allow for the fastest Internet speeds.
***Please include either the number displayed on the port or a picture of the port in this ticket***
Request support or training for platforms such as Zoom and Webex
SAU supports a wide variety of other hardware.
Use this form to report a wired or wireless network outage.
If you are seeking MTI assistance for training on AV equipment or you want support on a project or installation click here.
Your SAU username is used to access the MySAU Portal, email, Blackboard, Box, and many SAU other systems
Zoom is Spring Arbor University's web conferencing tool used on campus and online.
Install Authenticator for Android, scan the QR code on the Left. Install Authenticator for iPhone, scan the QR code on the Right.
This form must be completed by the Dean, Program Director, Department Chair or Lead Faculty for any course development to be initiated.
The Documentation Request form determines the necessity and prioritizes the creation of documentation for the eLearning team, subject matter experts, lead faculty, instructors, and students.
Teaching Bunkers, Projectors, A/V Equipment